You did it! You should feel proud for choosing such a rewarding profession and for all of the hard work that you’ve put in over the years. If you’re like many other social work graduates, next you’re probably eager to get started on the road to your social work license.
Taking the exam soon after graduation has its advantages. For one, Social Work information is still fresh on your mind. Likewise, it’s best to act while your test-taking skills are at their peak. Perhaps most importantly, obtaining your license could help you find a job.
In celebration of the graduation of the 2013 class of new and future social workers, we are offering all customers a 20% discount on all of our products, now through May 31, 2013. You don’t have to be a graduate to take advantage of this offer. Our products cover all levels of the ASWB exam – click here to get started and enter MAY2013 at checkout.
Congratulations again and best of luck!