
Social Work Licensing in the State of California


In the past, the State of California used its own form of exam for social work licensing.  As of 2016, however, the State of California has decided to adopt the ASWB national social work licensing exam that all of the other states use. The ASWB exam replaces the clinical vignette exam.  If you are applying for a social work license in the state of California, aside from the ASWB exam, you will be required to take the law and ethics exam as well.

Here are a few things that you need to know:

You will be taking the Clinical version of the ASWB exam

The ASWB exam is a 170 multiple choice exam that you have 4 hours to take.  This is generally plenty of time for most individuals. You can apply for special accommodations if eligible.

The exam is administered on a computer in testing centers around the country and can be take any day of the week.

The exam fee is $260 and you can register on www.AWSB.org.  You will first need approval from your state licensing board.

To qualify for taking the exam, you must have at least a Masters in social work. Other related disciplines will not be accepted.

If you have taken the exam in another state within the past 7 years, your scores may be transferable.  While the exam is a pass/fail exam, each state has a different score that they consider passing so you will need to check with your state.

Topics on the exam include Human Development, Diversity and Behavior in the environment, assessment, diagnosis and treatment, Psychotherapy and Clinical Interventions and Professional Values and Ethics.  A full list of topics can be found on www.ASWB.org .

Study materials can be purchased on www.socialworkguide.com.  We are an independent company that sells study preparation materials, strategy building workshops and online practice exams.  We have helped tens of thousands of individuals pass their social work licensing exam for over 15 years.  You can find out more information about our products and the exam on www.socialworkguide.com.  You can also email us your questions at info@socialworkguide.com or find us on Facebook.



April 17, 2016

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