The start of school is just around the corner and it is time to get yourself prepared for your classes. At the beginning of each semester, students find themselves having to purchase books for most of their courses. This is a standard expense social work students have every semester. While you are purchasing the materials that you need for your classes why not go ahead and think about purchasing a useful study guide for the ASWB exam? The exam may seem far off into the future, but it is never too soon to start stocking your library with the material that you will need to prepare for the exam.
Many students already have money saved up to buy their books at the beginning of the semester. Students who receive financial aid often receive their loan money during this time which helps pay for the books and other supplies needed. It may be smart idea to go ahead and use some of these resources to purchase a study guide for the ASWB exam as it seems that students’ budgets often get tighter towards the end of the semester.
You want to make sure that you have the study material that you need so that you are ready to go. Some social work students decide to take the ASWB exam fairly soon after graduation. Having a study guide on hand will be a big help if this becomes your decision. You may even choose to begin the studying process as you are finishing out the semester. Others use the study guides as a supplement or outline to their course materials. offers study materials to fit all of your needs now and for the future. Check out for information on comprehensive study guides to Social Work.