
Finding Time to Prepare For the ASWB Exam


It is easy to pick a date and register for the Social Work Licensing Exam, but it can be challenging to find time to study and do the prep work needed to feel confident about the ASWB exam. We all have other obligations in life. In addition to managing a full time job, many of us also have families to attend to and other social obligations within our community. It is important to develop a balanced approach that will allow you to adhere to your daily personal commitments while still making time to prepare and study for the ASWB exam.

The first step in finding time to prepare is to assess your personal needs in terms of studying and preparing for the exam. Some people may need more time than others depending on their individual study methods, how long they have been out of school, and many other factors. In general, the best way for most individuals to succeed is to devote a few hours each day for about a month to studying for the ASWB exam. Some of you may be able to commit to this while it may not work for others. Once you have decided how much time you will need, try to come up with a schedule for studying and stick to it. Even if you can only devote 30 minutes a day to studying, committing to consistency will help you achieve your goals.

It is also helpful to figure out when you may have some additional study time hidden in your day. Some individuals like to study during their lunch break. Instead of leaving for lunch, pack a lunch and bring your study guide with you to work. This hour break in your day may be the perfect time to go ahead and get your studying out of the way. If this doesn’t work for you there are many hidden hours at home that you can discover. If you have kids, it is a great idea to model healthy afternoon habits by setting a “homework hour” or a “reading hour” where everyone in the house has to find something to quietly read or study for an hour. You can use this time to study for the ASWB exam while still feeling like you are spending time with your family.

 After you have figured out how much time you’re going to need and have an idea of how you can incorporate it into your daily schedule, it’s a good idea to talk with the people around you and let them know how they can best support you. If you have a family you may want to ask them to help you out with some of the household chores and cooking. This also applies to roommate situations. If you live with a roommate this may be a great time to start a scheduled routine for the house. It may be helpful to plan meals ahead of time and pick a day to do a lot of the prep work so that cooking will be less time consuming during the week. Devoting a day to cleaning and prepping meals can actually be fun with the right attitude and a great music playlist.

The final step in finding time to prepare for the ASWB exam is to make sure that you have the all of the materials that you need to get the most out of your allotted study time. Post it notes are a great tool for marking your place in books so that you don’t have to waste time searching for where you left off. It is also imperative that you get a good study guide like The Complete Guide to Social Work. This study guide provides all of the information that you need to know for the test so you won’t waste your time studying the wrong thing.

 Now that you have an idea of what it it’s going to take you can make the best decision about when it is best for you to register for the exam. Developing a consistent study routine, organizing your household tasks and getting a great study guide will make this journey a lot easier and will give you the confidence you need to succeed!

September 11, 2013

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