If you are preparing to take the social work licensing exam, there are a lot of really great reasons to study with a buddy. Here are some of the pros:
(1) A study buddy can help keep you on track. If you come up with a study schedule, it will be hard not to stick to it when someone else is relying on you.
(2) You can share resources and knowledge with a study buddy. There may be issues that you study buddy is more knowledgeable in and vice versa.
(3) A study buddy can help motivate you to study and help you to not feel bad when others have plans and you have to study.
(4) Two minds are better than one. The social work exam requires use of analytic skills. Sometimes the answers are not intuitive and it can help to explore all of the answers with a friend.
(5) For many, preparing for the exam causes anxiety – perhaps you do not consider yourself a great test taker or perhaps you have taken the exam in the past, without success. Studying with a buddy can help build your confidence and reduce your anxiety. It is always good to have someone to reinforce your correct thinking.
With all of the technology today, from Facetime to Skype to free long distance on your phones, Study Buddies do not have to be local. While it is always nice to meet someone in person and study maybe over a cup of coffee or lunch, if you are study over the phone, it could be more efficient as you cut down on some of the social time.
While studying with a friend or even a group can be a good thing (so long as the group is not too big), there can be some cons too. Be sure to choose someone who you get a long with, who you trust, who is reliable and who is equally committed as you.
So, how do you find a study buddy? There are various websites and chat rooms where people post that they are looking for a study companion. We, at SocialWorkGuide.com, also maintain a list. You can reach out to us at info@socialworkguide.com or post on our Facebook page what you are looking for. Be sure to include the level of exam, target date for exam, city/state where you live and whether you are willing to study long distance.