Here are the Top 10 things to know about the ASWB Social Work Licensing Exam:
(1) The ASWB licensing exam is a national level exam; all states except California use the same exam.
(2) There are up to 4 levels of exam in every state: Bachelors, Masters, Clinical and Advanced Generalist. Not all states use all 4 levels. You need to check with your state social work board.
(3) There are 170 questions on the exam, 20 of which are unscored pre-test questions used to determine effectiveness for further exams. These pre-test questions are not identified as such and are randomly scattered throughout the exam.
(4) Questions are 4 answer multiple choice format. There is no written essay or oral portion of the exam.
(5) There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so do not leave answers blank. Try to eliminate any answers that are clearly wrong and then make your best guess.
(6) You have 4 hours to complete the exam. Don’t panic. By and large, exam takers have plenty of time to complete the exam. Special accommodations, including increased time, can be requested.
(7) There are different versions of the exam for every level. In other words, not every one of a certain level will take the exact same version of the exam.
(8) Exams are administered on computers at Pearson Testing Centers across the country.
(9) Exams can be scheduled for any day; there are no fixed administration dates.
(10) Study materials, including, an online practice exam, can be purchased through
Good luck!!